playing cards, collectible card games, cards for games, tarot cards, promotional playing cards, promotional card games, casino playing cards, retail playing cards, pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering, poker playing cards, bridge playing cards, star wars collectible card game, card games, games and print services
Games & Print Services have the casino playing cards, retail playing cards capacity to handle orders of any size and complexity, from straightforward card games, games and print services guillotining or trimming to most complicated projects. With our modern MBO and Stahl all buckle and combination machines we will accept any challenge in the folding department. Up to fourteen cards for games, tarot cards parallel concertina folds, seven pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering parallel rolls, map folds, closed gate folds - star wars collectible card game either on the first fold or on the second unit after previous folds, with additional flaps either side. Multi concertina, then cross folds or in half (or promotional playing cards, promotional card games more), then multi roll or concertina. Long or short runs, 1 up or multiworking. If it can be saddle-stitched we at Games & Print Services cards for games, tarot cards can do it. We have a variety of special attachments which in the hands of our experienced operators enable us to produce the widest range playing cards, collectible card games of saddle stitch promotional playing cards, promotional card games products possible. Placing things in the right order is not always as easy as it sounds. But with our fully trained staff and specialist machinery casino playing cards, retail playing cards you can rest assured that at Games and Print card games, games and print services we have the capacity and star wars collectible card game experience to handle the most complicated promotions or mailings quickly and cards for games, tarot cards accurately. Schneider Senator 155s & 115s poker playing cards, bridge playing cards with fully automatic loading, extended airbed side tables and stacklifts. 1 Schneider Senator Off-line jogger & restacker. Maximum sheet 1000x1400mm. For playing cards, collectible card games standard guillotine work or trimming promotional playing cards, promotional card games folded web sections to pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering remove excess waste or trims or separating to single copies. MBO machinery.
Muller Martini casino playing cards, retail playing cards equipment. Prima & 321 lines. Each with 4 feeders plus cover feeder. 1up or 2up working, trimming inline, 3/4/5/up for voucher/coupon book work if guillotined to final size. Maximum trimmed size: 470x300mm. Minimum trimmed size: 95x75mm. 2up A4 landscape promotional playing cards, promotional card games working. 4 Loop wire poker playing cards, bridge playing cards stitch facility (maximum pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering bulk 3mm). Endorse folding parallel to or across the spine, more than one endorsement cards for games, tarot cards fold possible. Voucher playing cards, collectible card games books, pocket covers, batch counting, stocks & star wars collectible card game odd bundling. Down to 50x50mm if guillotined after saddle stitch & to correct imposition, i.e 3 or 4up working, 75x210mm 4up A4. Based on the classical English Court style these new designs were specially commissioned by Games & Print Services. They have been cards for games, tarot cards hand drawn poker playing cards, bridge playing cards and coloured in intricate detail, promotional playing cards, promotional card games whilst carefully ensuring that the strict integrity card games, games and print services of playing cards is maintained. Our English Court is available in two designs, traditional or modern, and printed with either two or four pips. At Games and Print Services our bespoke equipment enables casino playing cards, retail playing cards us to manufacture collated sets with any number of cards or leaves. Our fully automated systems feed up to a 720x1020mm sheet, then separate playing cards, collectible card games and pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering collate all cards in star wars collectible card game one pass. Subject to card size this could be 150 to view. For collation / inserts card games, games and print services and onsert wrapping. Using 30 micron clear or printed films suitable for postage. Special "product" feeder followed by an opening station for poker playing cards, bridge playing cards inserts. This will open just the cards for games, tarot cards cover, by casino playing cards, retail playing cards suction, or promotional playing cards, promotional card games at random within copies, the sword. It then has SEVEN rotary feeders to automatically feed products, leaflets, endorse folded booklets etc. within or on top of the main product. Mis-feed and pokemon collectible cards, magic the gathering double detectors playing cards, collectible card games are operational star wars collectible card game throughout the machine.
The UK's number one playing card manufacturer, game card manufacturer and quality print finisher
A Cartamundi Company
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